Creating the blog section of my site

October 24, 2023

The initial commit for this site was... July, 2020. I wanted to publish the site quickly, so I left the blog section in an unfinished state and with a "temporary" doggy. This is what it looked like:

Image of temporary blog with a dog wearing construction hat

The construction doggo stayed way longer than I'd have expected (around 23 dog years, in fact). Even though I kept coming back to work on the blog, I kept trying to make a "perfect" solution, whether it be installing a CMS library, implementing my own markdown infrastructure, or some other things that I've forgotten by now.

Now, finally, I've got my blog up and running. It's just simple HTML, but it works, and I'm happy with it.

The only problem is I haven't implemented a comment section for my millions of rabid fans. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯